Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The (almost) finished project

Now it's felted - when it dries I will put the finishing touches on. It will have a drawstring handle, I hope.

This is art, and like all art, it took on characteristics of its own. The purple yarn felted tighter than the white, red, and green, so the getting-ready time of Advent looks no longer than the HOT Day of Pentecost. The gold that marks Christmas and Easter doesn't stand out yet - maybe it will brighten as it dries. Right now the project smells like a damp lamb.

But we will be ready to give great thanks at Family Camp this weekend!

The bag

So at our recent Art, Music, and Photography Camp at Wyoming Wilderness Camp, I started knitting a bag. I first discovered I had wool yarn in liturgical colors. I then had a brilliant idea: I could knit the bag in stripes that are proportionate to the actual length of each season.

I started with purple for no good reason except I forgot I was starting at the end of the year. The base won't show, I hope.

I finished the bag at Junior High Camp. I am now felting the bag.

The paten

I looked for 2 years for a suitable and aesthetically pleasing paten. I finally found a lowly home furnishing that will work.

The chalice

A few years ago, Phil and Kari, my son and daughter-in-law, gave me a Lexan wine glass. They told me I would need it for Eucharist at camp some day. It's a clever design - it's unbreakable and the stem unscrews from the cup for easy carrying. (It is apparently designed for backpackers who don't remember that an ounce in the morning equals a pound at night.)